thanks for visiting our David Beckham website
are very sorry, but development of this site has been put on hold
temporarily. We've also needed
to upgrade the bandwidth to cope with the visitors that we've been
receiving !
We have managed to negotiate some
funds for development from an established large toy company,
who we are excited about working with. We
have set a new launch date and .......We still
intend to provide the latest pictures, news, downloads
and much much more. Sign up to the mailing
list below to keep up to date with all the latest news on our
progress and when the site will be available in it's entirety. Your details will only be used for our
newsletters, we will not share them with anyone. You will
see this page changing over the coming weeks, but many links will
not work until the site is officially launched. If
you have any comments or suggestions, please send them to
Webmaster and it may effect the development of the
come back soon to see how we're getting on and check out our plans
for the site on the site map page.
this to chat with all our other David Beckham fans |

us where you are in the world with this unusual guestbook |