History by David Charman
The first picture below
I took recently of the building which now houses the Lingfield Tandoori
The second I took when a teenager in the late 1940s, of the James Beal
Signboard, which at that time was in front of the above building (the front
right corner of which is visible in the picture), and which earlier had been the
Chapel or Church in which James Beal was the Pastor until his death in 1889.
The wording on the Signboard is as follows:-
"In memory of James Beal who died on Jan 6th 1889 in his 74th
year. For upwards of 30 years the Esteemed Pastor of this Chapel.
Unto me who was less than the least of all Saints was this Grace given that I
should Preach the unsearchable riches of Christ.
The Gospel was his joy and way.
The truths that he had maintained so long were his support in death."
I possess his Will, written in 1861 and also the 1889 Grant of Probate,
leaving all his Estate (£295.15.11) to his widow Amelia. The third attachment is
a copy of the Probate but unfortunately the Will is too large for my copier.
I believe that I have an ancestral connection with James and Amelia, firstly
because both my late father and grandfather spoke of this connection several
times over the years, hence my photographing the Signboard over 50 years ago,
and secondly as the Will and Probate were passed to me amongst my father's
papers after his death in 1997, although I had not previously known of their
existence. Unfortunately I cannot now recall the details of the family
I would be interested to hear from anyone who has any knowledge of the
antecedents or descendants of James and Amelia, and where they were buried. Also
when did the building cease being used as a Chapel, and what was the fate of the

I trust that the above may be of
some interest to someone and hope to hear from you,
David Charman
If you have any old pictures or
information of historical interest please
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